I’m quite impartial around ‘politically correct’ language. I am a twitch streamer, so I need to be constantly conscious around what I do and don’t say in order not to say anything offensive or inconsiderate. I really don’t care about having to stay ‘politically correct’ in certain situations as it doesn’t take anything for me to do it. If it makes someone happy or more comfortable when speaking with them then why not do it.
If ever the conversation turns to ‘politically correct’ speech when talking with and around my grandmother she remains quite strong with her opinion that it’s ‘stupid’ and ‘annoying’. I believe that this is just a generational thought process as times were extremely different back when she was growing up.
The stand-up comedian Gabriel ‘Fluffy’ Iglesias is an incredible example of an artist who remains inclusive. He has said many times in his shows that he just wants to make people laugh and refuses to speak about any topics that include politics, religion, or culture. This allows all of his shows to be extremely funny, without laughing at the expense of someone or something that might be deemed offensive. I find Gabriel hilarious, and I think it’s brilliant that he can remain unbiased and still find humour within the world.