Classroom and Behaviour Management

Artefact 4.1: The visual prompts on the left demonstrate my capabilities against AITSL Standards 4.1- Support inclusive participation and engagement, and 4.3- Manage challenging behaviour. In the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) framework (Queensland Government Department of Education, 2023) establishing expectations, explicit teaching and reinforcement of positive behaviours are considered tier 1 evidence-based practices. These practices aim to prevent and de-escalate challenging behaviour and reduce the need for correction or intervention.
The reward jar was used to set and work towards a whole-class goal, whilst the visuals provided a reminder to students about acceptable learning behaviours.

Artefact 4.2: The image below demonstrates my capabilities against APST Standards 4.1- Support inclusive participation and engagement, 4.3- Manage challenging behaviour and 7.2- Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements. By using the school’s behaviour management flow chart, which is based on the Essential Skills for Classroom Management (Education Queensland, 2007), I was able to successfully create a supportive classroom environment and minimise disruptions to teaching and learning at the acknowledgment and correction levels, reducing the need for intervention strategies.