Artefact 1.1: This class data profile demonstrates my capabilities against AITSL Standards 1.1- Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and 1.5- Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. Prior to planning the counting unit, I gathered data about the students’ strengths, needs, interests, current literacy and numeracy abilities and family backgrounds so that I could ensure my lessons were engaging, challenging yet achievable, and relevant. Gaining insight into students’ current abilities supports planning for differentiation and ensures all students are challenged to work within their zone of proximal development and achieve success at their own level (Vygotsky, 1978).

Artefact 1.2: This lesson plan demonstrates my capabilities against AITSL Standards 1.2 – Understand how students learn and 1.5- Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. As highlighted in the lesson plan, students were split into small groups and rotated through two educator-led activities and two independent activities. The groups were populated with mixed abilities to facilitate peer support, and learning from each other (Vygotsky, 1978). The independent activities were play-based, open-ended and used manipulatives to support student engagement and allow all students to experience success at their level. The two educator-led activities were differentiated with three different levels of action and expression so that the teacher aide and I could adjust as required for each child’s individual needs (CAST, 2018).