Artefact 5.1: This unit summary demonstrates my capabilities against APST Standard 5.1- Assess student learning. The summary highlights the use of a mixture of formal and informal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies used throughout a sequence of six lessons.
Artefact 5.2: The images below demonstrate my capabilities against APST Standards 5.1- Assess student learning and 5.4- Interpret student data. Throughout the unit I used a checklist to track student progress against each of the lesson goals. I also received feedback from the teacher aide in the form of anecdotal notes. This allowed me to determine the effectiveness of my teaching and make changes as necessary. It also allowed me to monitor which students required support and who could work independently.
Artefact 5.3: The image below demonstrates my capabilities against APST Standards 5.1- Assess student learning and 5.4- Interpret student data. As a part of my teaching sequence, I created a summative assessment task and GTMJ to assess the students’ progress against the achievement standards. This image shows how I have interpreted the student’s responses in the assessment and made an appropriate grade judgement for reporting purposes.