Artefact 2.1: This unit overview demonstrates my capabilities against AITSL Standards 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. As demonstrated in the unit plan, the content was organised into an effective teaching and learning sequence using knowledge of the curriculum, assessment and reporting strategies. Knowledge of mathematical concepts and content was used to identify gaps in the students’ current knowledge and plan appropriate teaching strategies to support student learning.
Artefact 3.1: This snippet of a lesson plan demonstrates my capabilities against AITSL Standard 3.3 Use Teaching Strategies by showing a variety of High Impact Teaching Strategies such as structuring lessons, explicit teaching, and collaborative learning (Hattie, 2017), as well as the active, explicit, collaborative and playful characteristics of Age-Appropriate Pedagogies (QDET, 2015).
Artefact 3.2: These photos illustrate my capabilities against AITSL Standards 3.3 Use Teaching Strategies, and 3.4 Select and Use Resources. A variety of hands-on, play-based activities were embedded throughout all of my lessons to provide students with the opportunity to move through the language model from concrete materials to symbolic representation (Irons & Irons, 1989).