Professional engagement

The professional engagement domain encompasses teachers’ engagement with parent/carers, colleagues, the community, and engagement with professional learning.

Teachers are role models to their students and must always model professionalism, integrity, positive engagement with others and effective learning. They do this by meeting their professional ethics and responsibilities, complying with legislative requirements, building positive partnerships with parents/carers and colleagues, and by identifying their own learning needs and engaging in professional development (AITSL, 2017). It is my belief that professional development should be an everyday occurrence, not a one-off event. Engaging in continuous professional development ensures that I am always improving my knowledge and practice to maximise outcomes for students. A growth mindset and commitment to lifelong learning are key skills that students will need to be successful in the future, so it is imperative that teachers model this behaviour by engaging in daily reflection, analysing and evaluating teaching practices, and identifying opportunities for growth.

The following pages will demonstrate my personal Professional Engagement and my competencies towards the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: Graduate Standards 6 and 7.