The professional practice domain describes the knowledge and skills teachers need to plan, implement, and evaluate effective teaching and learning. It encompasses the decisions and actions that teachers make each day including lesson plans, teaching strategies, resource selection, classroom management, assessment and feedback (AITSL, 2017).
Research tells us that students learn best when they are engaged and interested in the learning and their needs have been met (Touhill, 2012; Maslow, 1943), so it is vital that teachers create an environment where students’ feel safe, supported and a sense of belonging. To achieve this, teachers’ need to plan lessons that are relevant and appropriately challenging to their context and make decisions that take into account students’ physical, cognitive and emotional needs (Maslow, 1943). This is a core element of my philosophy and something I am passionate about implementing within the classroom through using trauma-informed practices and social-emotional learning frameworks.
The following pages will demonstrate my personal Professional Practice and my competencies towards the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: Graduate Standards 3, 4, and 5.