Write a 300-400 word blog post on some of the key differences to be aware of when teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners. You may want to discuss language and linguistic diversity, Country/place, cultural differences, family/kinship or historical impacts. Your blog post should also demonstrate one key pedagogical strategy that would benefit First Nations…Continue Reading Engaging With Learners
here is the information that goes with this particular image. đŸ™‚…Continue Reading demo
Here is the finished product….Continue Reading finished!
Exhibition of my paintings held in the University of Southern Queensland Art Space during December 2019. This is the culmination of my third year body of work….Continue Reading Exhibition
Recent work
This is recent work created for the XXX exhibition during February 2020. These artworks remained up for two months and received many positive comments….Continue Reading Recent work
Artist Statement
Dr. Rhi Johnson is a Toowoomba based artist and educator who works primarily in the fields of Printmaking, Artist’s Books and Mixed Media art. She is interested in the formation of everyday narratives, and how these can be disrupted or subverted visually. Rhi investigates visual cues that can punctuate an environment, object or space of…Continue Reading Artist Statement