Professional Knowledge

In relation to the professional knowledge domain of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, I believe it is fundamental to build and develop positive meaningful relationships with students, so they succeed. As a beginning teacher I believe it is important to focus on each student’s social and emotional wellbeing, academic capabilities as well as their diverse cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds. It is important to build a positive and respectful relationship as students will develop a sense of belonging, increased engagement, and achievements (NSW Education, 2022) which is important in the classroom space. In my classroom I will strive to have a welcoming and supportive learning environment where students feel safe, secure, and supported. It is fundamental to learn and understand each students learning abilities. This will allow me to differentiate learning to suit the needs of each student.

Additionally, I believe that it is important to know and understand the Australian Curriculum. I will ensure I use the Australian Curriculum, general capabilities, and cross curricular priorities to plan and facilitate engaging learning plans to suit all subject areas. As we live in an everchanging world I will implement a variety of ICT opportunities for students to expand their knowledge through their learning.