Professional practice

In relation to the professional practice domain of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. To be successful in these standards I believe it is important to plan for and implement effective teaching, create supportive learning environments as well as assess and provide feedback on student learning. I will ensure I create appropriate learning goals for students and plan effectively based on students’ capabilities. It is also important to have clear communication with parents/carers within this area to support student engagement. By having parent involvement and engagement it allows a clear communication between home and school of student’s academic achievements and wellbeing (Australian Government, 2022). I aim to have a welcoming classroom where parent engagement is encouraged to create consistency between home and school. It is important to always maintain student safety as well as monitoring challenging behaviours throughout the classroom. Furthermore, I will assess and provide feedback to student learning by ensuring that I am making comparable judgements. I will ensure that I am analysing student capabilities and learnings and reporting this correctly. It is also fundamental to report these reports back to parents/carers to maintain a positive relationship with families.