Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Standard 4.1 – Support student participation: Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.

Standard 4.2 – Manage classroom activities: Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions.

Throughout this experience I was in a prep classroom at a local Toowoomba Catholic School. There was 26 students aged 4-6 years.  This professional experience focused on English, creating a portfolio of work using an English Unit Plan and various English assessments using reading and writing skills and techniques. Through this lesson plan (example 4) it demonstrated a guided reading lesson that supported student participation and engagement within the classroom (4.1). In the lesson plan it provided an opportunity to provide students with clear directions (4.2) so students can actively participate in their guided reading lessons.

In collaboration with my mentor teacher we had to make sure students had a clear understanding of reading techniques that would assist students in their reading abilities. Together we created artefact 7 which made a clear outline of reading techniques and strategies students can use. Stretchy snake, Skippy frog, flippy dolphin, chunky monkey and lips the fish. All these strategies were able to support student’s participation and engagement (4.1) within the guided reading lesson. It allowed students to also have clear visual aids to help them identify the clear directions (4.2) they needed to use when reading. By being in a small group, I was able to clearly address areas where students needed support and allowed students to have the opportunity to grasp reading at a pace that works for them (Alludo, 2022). Due to all students being around the same level this made sure all students were engaged as they were all reading the same book with the same PM reader level. Referring to artefact 8 it is a clear picture of students as well as myself participating in a guided reading lesson. As you can see the children are sitting around a small table with the teacher in front of them to provide clear directions (4.2) to support student learning. It is evident that you can see students are engaged with the teacher and are participating (4.1) in the guided reading lesson.

By identifying appropriate reading techniques and strategies for students it was seen through their reading that they used these strategies whilst reading the book. It was seen that students also used these strategies in relation to other subject areas. By providing clear directions for students, it allows them to get involved in the classroom activities.