You may be required or choose to undertake some elective courses at UniSQ to complete the BCYS program. Once your formal learning and Professional Practice Credit has been determined you will then know if you are required to complete elective courses to complete your program. You may also choose to undertake specific UniSQ elective courses rather than pursue credit from prior learning.

Number of units undertaken at UniSQ: X units


If you have undertaken elective courses to complete your program, please indicate above how many units you undertook by replacing the X. This is displayed as units as some courses are worth 1 unit and others can be half a unit or double units. In most cases at UniSQ elective courses will equal 1 unit. Please also include a screenshot of your unofficial transcript once your results have been released to show what courses you undertook.

If you have not undertaken any elective courses to complete your program, please indicate this above by replacing the X with a zero.

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