Credit received: X units


The credit from formal learning and the elective study pages provides a space to document the outcome. This page for Professional Practice Credit is different in that you will follow the guidance provided in the Student Hub ( ) and your work included below will be assessed for Professional Practice Credit. This hub provides you with tips to navigate WordPress, an explanation of Professional Practice Credit, the Portfolio requirements, example reflections, and how your Portfolio will be assessed for Professional Practice Credit.

Professional Practice Domains

Figure 1, shows you the three Professional Practice Domains and the five skill clusters in each domain.

Figure 1- UniSQ Professional Practice Credit Framework

This page has been set up to allow you to upload your completed mapping table and view the posts categorised to emerging and final reflections. You can find tips on how to start a new post and categorise your posts in the hub site under Portfolio Assistance.

Completed Mapping Table:

Emerging Reflections:

    Final Reflections

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