There are three ways to fulfil the 8 units of credit that form one third of the BCYS program.

  1. Credit from Formal Learning
  2. Professional Practice Credit
  3. Electives

Credit from Formal Learning:

Professional Practice Credit:

More information will be provided on how to approach this section. The below provides guidance and gives an example only.

These reflections were written to highlight the UniSQ Graduate Attributes and how I demonstrate these in my work, volunteering, social and family settings.

Note (please remove): To add reflections to the below sections, create a new post in WordPress and select the relevant Professional Practice Domain category. Once published the reflection will be listed on this page. We have set up the Reflections page as a Posts page so any post you start (published or not) will show in the reflections page. Carol and I can see unpublished posts however others who access your Portfolio will only see published content.

Mapping my experiences:

Add your experience notes here.

Final Reflections :

Knowledge Implementation

Advocacy and Engagement

Personal and Professional Capabilities


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