A hand using technology

About portfolios

What is a portfolio?

A portfolio is an online, personal collection of selected items purposefully compiled to share one’s work, efforts, and progress.  In an ever challenging and competitive world a portfolio is part of your personal and professional branding. It may be linked to assessment and also provide long-term storage for your work and accomplishments.

Creation of a portfolio requires some technology mastery to digitise artefacts and create the online resource. It also involves evaluation of personal beliefs, philosophies, and objectives and sharing these in clear, informative and productive ways.

Remember a portfolio should tell a story of you and your learning and professional journey.

What is a Portfolio

Watch this video for more info about what a portfolio is, and understand the possibilities and expectations for personal portfolio development.

Why Create a Portfolio?

Today, a portfolio is a vital part of being a professional. Your employability is made clear through the evidence found on the portfolio that identifies skills and competencies. Your CV can be shared on the portfolio for ready access to future employers. A portfolio helps you connect with others in the profession, both locally and globally.

Why Create a Portfolio?

Watch this video for a deeper understanding of why portfolio creation is vital for learning and eventual professional employment.

Getting started with portfolios

The BSc Portfolio Template provides a clear starting point for your personal portfolio development.

Each page includes information about how and what to publish as follows:


Replace the image with one of your choice, add your name and a short paragraph about yourself.

My Professional Identity

Write some content about your professional identity here. It should be related to your sense of self in the context of a particular profession. This identity is gained through understanding what brings meaning to your work, being aligned with the guiding principles of professional practice in the profession and being connected to the professional community.

Managing My Career

Write something about managing your career here. It should be related to the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to help you manage your career across your working life. These skills include being able to gather, analyse and make sense of information that will help you make and implement career decisions and transitions. 

Engaging With My Industry

Write something about engaging with your industry here. You should record all activities that you undertake as part of your program (eg. professional placement) or extracurricular (eg. work experience, volunteering), that develop and support relationships with employers and industry bodies. 

Read My Resumé

This space allows you to upload your CV/resumé if you have one.