As a teacher it is my responsibility to keep abreast of the latest developments in education for my students and myself. I am expected to identify my own learning needs, (for example learning the language of the Indigenous community I am teaching in or learning more about behaviour management for students with ADHD) and to analyze, evaluate and expand my professional learning with the assistance of my colleagues and with the use of my own reflections. I will demonstrate respect, professionalism and sensitivity in all my interactions with students, fellow staff, parents/carers and the wider community, by listening and actioning their requests when appropriate. I will communicate effectively with all parties concerned about each students learning, using communication channels like email, texting, parent/teacher conferences or the class DOJO. As a teacher I will value each and every opportunity to engage with my school communities within and beyond the classroom to aid in enriching the educational context for my students, like attending the school fete, or the school music performance, utilizing the communities’ markets on the weekends or attending community events. These experiences will aid in my understanding of the local community and create links between school, home and the wider community, which in turn will allow me to develop my students social and intellectual development (AITSL, n.d.).
AITSL. (n.d.). Domains of teaching.