APST 3.3 – Use teaching strategies (AITSL, n.d.): there are a multitude of teaching strategies which a teacher can utilize and by incorporating as many of these into your lesson planning creates a learning experience which is differentiated, engaging and allows students to develop a growth mindset. Some strategies which could be used are 8 Ways pedagogy, collaborative learning, explicit instruction, deliberate practice, personalized learning, differentiation, metacognition, communicating expected behaviour, and encouraging learning from experience.
Metacognition: (Third Space Learning, n.d.) is literally the act of thinking about thinking. Asking students open ended questions so they must justify their answers and think about solutions to problems.
Encouraging learning from experience: (Classcraft, 2019) use field trips or walks around the school to enhance the learning experience, give homework such as ‘on your way home note down all you see, from road signs to vehicles to people to animals, what did you see the most of? Why do you think this was?’ Or when you next go shopping with your parents/cares try to work out how much the shopping is going to cost, find the cheapest item and the most expensive item?’
Communicating expected behaviour: establish routines, teach peer support strategies such as cooperations between students, asking each other before the teacher, communicate your expectations for behaviour e.g “I love the way Sam put up his hand to answer my question” or “great effort Frank, I know it can be hard for you to sit still for so long, but you did it and completed your work, well done and keep it up.”
Time management: (artifact 1) ensuring your lessons run on time and that you teach the students about time management and that most things in life have timeframes in which they need to be completed. Using a bell or alarm clock, and teaching the students what the sounds mean like, “stop” (pencils down, sit up straight), look and listen.
Reduce idle time: keep students busy and engaged – create short breaks into class activities like stretching, munch and crunch or mindfulness activities to help reduce restlessness.
Explicit instruction: (artifact 2) is direct instruction which is teacher-led and focuses on frequent questioning and guided practice.
Differentiation: is tailoring instruction to meet the needs of the students. This can be achieved by using manipulative, used a mix of direct instruction and inquiry-based learning, discover and fill knowledge gaps, prioritise learning over performance, and use plenty of formative assessment (Third Space Learning, n.d.).
Personalized learning: is the ability to offer a personalised learning experience which is student-centred.
Collaborative learning is allowing students to work in groups this is also known as cooperative learning. (artifact 3)
Deliberate practice: – is the most effective way of introducing a new concept to the class and involves, breaking the learning into sub skills.
APST 3.5: Use effective classroom communications. As a teacher it is imperative that I be able to communicate in a variety of ways so to ensure the smooth running of the classroom. Using hand signals, facial expressions, posters, visual timetables which incorporate pictures as well as words, the use of a small hand bell to aid in quietening the classroom and being explicit in my expectations and by giving clear instructions. Artifacts 4, 5 and 6
AITSL. (n.d.). Domains of teaching.
Classcraft. (2019). 10 Effective teaching strategies for every classroom.
Third Space Learning. (n.d.). The most effective teaching strategies to use in your school: evidence
based and proven to work.
Artifact 1: time management

Artifact 2: Explicit Instruction

Artifact 3: Collaborative or Cooperative learning: dividing the class into groups.

Artifact 4: visual timetable for the days activities

Artifact 5: expectations of voice levels

Artifact 6: Ways of gaining attention