Focus 4.1 | Support student participation |
Focus 4.2 | Manage classroom activities |
4.1 support student participation (AITSL, n.d.): by learning the names of your students and getting to know them on a personal level as well as an educational one gives them confidence in your ability and creates trust and respect. Using strategies like think-pair-share helps to create equity of voice, gives students time to think of a response and enables all students to participate (Edutopia, 2023), encourage collaboration, create learning walls and word walls (Artifact 1) where students can add their ideas and encourage silent engagement, where students use hand signals to express their answers, like ‘thumbs up for I understand or thumbs down for not sure’, in this way every student has a say.
4.2 Manage classroom activities (AITSL, n.d.): The creation of an effective learning environment requires the use of routines (artifact 2), interactions with your students, negotiating classroom rules and expectations, ensuring the rules are consistently and fairly carried out and arranging the furniture in the classroom (artifact 3) to create an atmosphere of calm and engagement (NSW Government, n.d.).
AITSL. (n.d.). Domains of teaching.
Eductopia. (2023). 3 Strategies to get all students participating.
NSW Government. (n.d.). Managing the classroom.
Artifact 1: Learning wall / word wall

Artifact 2: Routines

Artifact 3: arrangement of furniture