Focus 6.2: Engage in professional learning and Improve practice. (AITSL, n.d.). AITSL has developed a teacher self assessment tool to enable teachers to identify an area for professional learning. The professional learning a teacher undertakes needs to be effective and implementable and come from a range of reliable sources (AITSL, n.d.). Professional learning can take place within the classroom, through observations and mentoring from an experienced teacher, face to face courses which include conferences and training on new programs the school is implementing, by continuing in formal studies to upgrade your qualifications to say a ‘Masters of Teacher or a PhD’. Researching a topic you wish to teach and understand more about, participating in online seminars, webinars or online short courses, or by creating or finding a professional learning community or team of like minded teachers and creating a network whereby you can bounce ideas off and learn skills or techniques. During the year a teacher is required to attend at a minimum 20 hours of professional development and at the beginning of every year every teacher is required to do Mandatory Training (artifact 1), Student Protection training (artifact 2), Fire and Safety training and Asbestos Training. It is also advisable for teachers to be proficient in First Aid (artifact 3), there are also options for Diabetes training and specialized training is offered for teachers who wish to learn more about students with special needs.
Focus 6.3: Engage with colleagues and improve practice (AITSL, n.d.). To enable teachers to improve they, like the students we teach need constructive feedback. This can come from the students themselves, from our supervisors and fellow teachers in our cohort. This type of feedback allows us to improve our teaching practice (artifact 4) and gives us an idea of what sort of Professional Development we may need to access.
AITSL. (n.d.). Domains of teaching.
AITSL. (n.d.). Practical Guide – Selecting and Undertaking.
Artifact 1: Mandatory training

Article 2: Student Protection

Artifact 3: First Aid training

Artifact 4: feedback from mentor teacher.