Supervising students is a core teaching responsibility and demonstrates my ability to apply curriculum knowledge, cater to student needs, manage learning environments and provide effective feedback.
I team-teach YR9 & YR11 Furnishing Pathways (FUR), assist in YR 12 Furnishing Pathways, Engineering and Design. This term I have been taking the lead in the Year 9 FUR class, rewriting and writing resources, taking lessons and preparing materials (mostly) for this class.
Supervising Students is a Core Responsibility
Supervising and instruction students while sanding Supervising and assisting students assemple a table top
SUPERVISING STUDENTS working on their projects covers several APST/s (Australian Professional Standards for Teachers) categories encompass this crucial teaching responsibility:
1. Professional Knowledge:
1.2 Knowledge and understanding of students as learners: This standard emphasises a teacher’s understanding of how students learn and develop. Supervising student projects involves tailoring guidance to individual needs and learning styles.
3. Planning for and implementing effective teaching and learning:
3.1 Plan for and design learning programs and teaching activities: Effective project supervision requires planning clear expectations, providing resources, and structuring the learning environment.
3.2 Apply teaching strategies to meet student’s diverse needs: Supervision allows teachers to differentiate instruction, adjust support levels, and monitor individual student progress throughout the project.
4. Creating and implementing engaging learning experiences:
4.2 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning sequences: Supervising projects often involves guiding students through a sequence of steps, offering feedback, and ensuring progress towards project goals.
4.4 Manage classroom activities to provide a safe and secure learning environment: Project supervision includes ensuring student safety during practical work or materials use.
5. Assessment and providing feedback:
5.1 Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning: Regular supervision allows for ongoing formative assessment, providing feedback that helps students improve their projects and learning.
Supervising student projects is a core teaching responsibility and demonstrates a teacher’s ability to apply curriculum knowledge, cater to student needs, manage learning environments, and provide effective feedback. These aspects align with several key APST/s categories.
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