Week 2: Industry Presentation: The Queensland College of Teachers

As you have seen in this presentation, the QCT have a number of responsibilities with respect to Queensland teachers. Take some time to review the Professional Boundaries document and also take a look at the Code of Ethics for Queensland Teachers. Are there any aspects of either of these documents that you find challenging or interesting.

I would be very keen to hear your views. Also feel free to ask any questions you may have about either document or the functions of the Queensland College of Teachers.

14 thoughts on “Week 2: Industry Presentation: The Queensland College of Teachers

  1. This presentation has been very insightful. I live in a smallish community and so the issue of being friends with student’s parents before even deciding to study teaching and then the friends of my own children will be something I need to be very careful with and read more about.

    • Evening! I feel the same way, it is always hard in a small town/community. It is good to have advice and someone to turn to who is not involved in your school.

      • Your responses had me reflecting on my time as the principal of a one teacher school. A couple of families befriended me very early on (this school was literally in the middle of a cattle station, no town, nearest neighbours miles away) so I jumped at this opportunity to socialize. When I look back on this time, I can see that others not within that circle may have been put out by this friendship, even though I am certain it did not impact on my ability to be impartial. However, to others it could have LOOKED this way. Interesting.

  2. Hey all!
    My Dad is a teacher so I sort of have always heard the terms “the union”. As well I have been apart of the Teachers Union Health fund since I was in high-school and under my parents policy. I was always a bit confused about that the union did, until my partner began a teacher and now me. I was always concerned about striking as well…like did I have to if the union did. At first I felt sort of bad reaching out to the union like it was a bad thing, but know I have realized and this presentation has further concreted this understanding that QTU is not just there in case of bad things. It is there to support teachers and to help them understand how they keep wellbeing at work.

  3. I found this to be a very informative presentation, particularly in that it clarified for me the scope of QCT responsibility and provided useful information regarding the registration process.

    • Yes, Registration is sometimes misunderstood, Scott. Having it really clear in your mind that this is a requirement to teach and that it is governed by a body outside of employers, is very important to understand. I am glad it was useful to you.

  4. Enjoyed listening to the Qld College of Teachers presentation. It got me thinking about my registration and I have even started the process now as I thought I couldn’t start until this degree was finished.

    • This is excellent to know. Getting the process going prior to completion is really important, particularly with respect to gaining certified copies of all the things you need.

  5. The Queensland College of Teachers presentation was very informative, I really appreciated hearing the personal stories of the presenter. This explanation certainly makes the process a lot clearer. Thanks!

  6. I found a lot of this information was stuff I was already aware of due to my own research. However, it was still interesting to watch. It is hard to see students struggling with their home lives and to stay objective. But there are so many great support systems in place at schools that you can refer students to for the professional support they need. As a soon to be first year teacher I feel communication and seeking advice from mentors about difficult situations is key. Particularly to avoid situations like the ones discussed in the presentation.

    • Hi Brandy,
      It is good to see you being proactive and finding out about the process yourself. As I think we discussed in our Zoom session the other day, the issue for people starting out in the program is that they do not really understand what hoops have to be jumped through to go from your pre-service program to actually getting a job.

  7. Very interesting video as it involved all the steps to registration. I first hand experienced this at the beginning of the year when getting my PTT approval. I did find it all confusing as there were so many different hoops to jump through. This video explained that all, wish I had this earlier.

    • Hi Zoe, yes, I bet it was a bit of a crazy experience getting PTT organised without really knowing much about registration in the first place.

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