Working Effectively with your Teacher Aide

Teacher Aides are one of the most valuable resources within schools. how they are used directly impacts on Teacher Aide effectiveness and largely, teacher are not provided with clear guidelines or training in their effective use.

As a beginning teacher, I was provided with a full-time teacher aide from day one of my career. I had absolutely no idea how to use this valuable resource and for the first few weeks, did not plan for or include her in the day to day running of my classroom. This was no reflection on her, but rather a reflection of my own insecurity as a beginning teacher and having no idea what it was a teacher aide could do.

Melissa discusses a range of issues in relation to the effective use of Teacher Aides and strategies to develop positive relationships with them. What did you take from the presentation? What are your own experiences to date with or as a teacher aide?

One thought on “Working Effectively with your Teacher Aide

  1. I see the role of a Teacher Aides as being very important within the classroom. They are often the ones that can spend one on one time with students and have a big impact on a student’s well-being. During my service learning hours, I really enjoyed being a Teacher Aide because as a teacher you are trying to manage the whole class and ensure that you teach all the content. I was able to sit with a group of students and help them with their assignments where they would have otherwise handed in an incomplete assignment or nothing at all. That dedicated time with students is so important to ensure that the Teacher Aide knows exactly what is required of them is critical.

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