Resume and Interview Information for Beginning Teachers

I thought this was a great little session. There was a great deal packed into it, but I took a great deal away, particularly in terms of the resume layout. The simplicity of it really resonated with me. What little gems did you come away with?

5 thoughts on “Resume and Interview Information for Beginning Teachers

  1. I thought it was interesting the perspective about not putting your address in. This is something I had done in the past and on reflection employers have become concerned that I was not from the local area. As mentioned, they get concerned when it may be nothing for them to be concerned about, it is up to the individual.

    • Yes That was an interesting point. Although one should be able to see from current experience where you are located. Perhaps in curating professional identities, we should be mindful of trying to pursue opportunities and experiences that reflect our capabilities as adaptable, flexible teachers willing to work across different contexts. Gives a different perspective to your CV as living document!

  2. Even after doing many resumes and interviews for previous jobs, it was very useful to find out the latest ways to present a resume, cover letter and addressing of selection criteria. I have at times been guilty of adding too much information that is not relevant to the context of the employer and having a resume that is too long. I also thought the point of using the same language as the employer was very poignant and makes sense to show I understand the employer.

  3. A great session. I need to spend some time thinking about how to use my past experience in a way that is relevant, eg pulling out the transferrable skills and highlighting how valuable these will be as a teacher. Will definitely be taking up the offer of having the Careers team provide feedback.
    Also, if you haven’t already seen the Q&A with Ed Qld and Catholic Ed as part of the recent USQ Careers Insights conference it is well worth watching:

    • Thanks so much Samfya for sharing this additional resource with the group as well… I might put this on the general forum as well as no everyone accesses the blog site!

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