Module 1 Resolved Work:
Title: Wind swept country in autumn
Dimensions: 29.7cms x 42cms
Medium: Gel print on mulberry paper
This gel print method enabled me to use colour more freely. I especially enjoy the blending of the red and yellow. The texture of the paper coming through under the print is valuable and pleasing. I admire the earthiness the paper brings to the work
Title: Paths around home
Dimensions: 29.7cms x 42cms
Medium: Gel print on mulberry paper
The two leaves at diagonally opposite corners of the work, and the curvy lines between them, give the print a feeling of movement. The lumpiness of the paper makes a good ground for the work. I am finding the mix of textures and multiple colours add depth to the work.
Title: Escarpment
Dimensions: 29.7cms x 42cms
Medium: Gel print on toned paper
Working with gel prints is freeing in that it is a bit unknown how the print will work out and enables me to be flexible. With most of the prints I have completed for this resolved work, they appear to me to be landscapes from a birds eye view. The expansive feel to these works give me satisfaction in using this method and I envisage layering of marks through further drawing on finished prints could be quite effective.
Title: Farmer’s fields and coal mine
Dimensions: 29.7cms x 42cms
Medium: Gel print on toned paper
In drawing studio I’ve been revisiting the story of one of my grandmothers who grew up in Rix’s Creek, near Singleton NSW. This print reminded me of that landscape and the scars from open cut mining.
Title: Hunter Valley landscape
Dimensions: 29.7cms x 42cms
Medium: Gel print on toned paper
Undulating hills and valleys, rivers and tracks, in its blue green tones makes me feel like I am looking down on a map. I am taking in the big picture as I fly overhead, each texture calling out to me to look a bit longer.
Module 2 Resolved Work:
Title: Mountain of Grass Trees
Dimensions: 70cms x 90cms
Medium: Block Ink Lino print on linen
Grasstrees are constant companions on the block where I live. They stand like ancient sentinels on the ridge where I wander. Two minutes’ walk from the house there is a valley of grasstrees. I walk among them, totally blown away by how individual and unique they are with their twisted trunks and un-ruley spikes. When cool burns and fires goes through here, they explode into flame, transforming like a phoenix, the fireworks subduing as quickly as it came. They are resilient, strong, enduring. Sometimes they give gifts of resin. These jewels of sap when crushed are luminescent orange. Mixed with methylated spirits it becomes a beautiful shiny stain that I’ve used on my pyrography works on timber. I always want to be surrounded by a Mountain of Grasstrees. They have spirit, personality and soul. Sitting among a circle of grasstrees is healing and nurturing.
Module 3 Resolved Work
Title: Blue Banksia
Dimensions: 20cms x 20cms
Medium: Block ink on paper (25 prints for Print Exchange)
Sometimes I travel to a piece of land in Deepwater, NSW, on the New England Tablelands. Deepwater Creek meanders along the edge of the property, leading to river flats where stunted grasstrees and massive, gnarled banksia trees grow. Blue Banksia has been inspired by the flowers and leaves of this tree, wrapped up in memories of being there.
Module 4 Resolved Work:
Title: Core Sample
Dimensions: 26cms x 120cms
Medium: Pyrography and Block Ink
Life goes on around us, always changing, adapting, and evolving. We are only here for a short while. These artworks live as physical reminders that people aren’t above all else and have a responsibility to care for and nurture everything that is around us. Though the land is strong, our impact on it is hard and harsh. Our very survival depends on it – not just our survival, but all other beings and the planet, Mother Earth, herself.
In my life and my creative arts practice, I attempt to connect with nature in meaningful ways, rendering her beauty in the hope that I may encourage others to also connect with Mother Earth. My intention is to foster wellbeing within myself and others through the use of art (and music), enabling opportunities to respect and care for this beautiful earth and all the beings both living and non-living, that call this planet home.