Educator capacity for online global collaborative learning: developing a framework
This study explores the experiences of educators who engage in online global collaborative learning, a practice that involves working and learning together with partners in different countries. The authors analyze the educators’ perspectives on their disposition towards online learning, their professional development strategies, and their experiences with conceptual change. They also identify three key influences on these educators: their positive disposition toward online learning, their self-directed approach to professional development, and the conceptual change they experienced through their interactions with others. Ultimately, the researchers develop a framework to help educators and education systems build capacity for online global collaborative learning. This framework emphasizes the importance of fostering a global collaborator mindset, characterized by connection, openness, autonomy, and innovation.
Audio File
An AI-created audio presentation discussing this paper and online collaborative learning.
OGCL Audio Presentation
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ORCID: 0000-0002-6220-8785