Printmaking 2024

‘Revolving Ranu’ is a series of screen prints of my Kakariki parrot; Ranu, who is just as bright as the colours of the print. I tried my best to get them identical, though there were some issues lining the small colour segments up.

Screen Prints on Paper

‘Paid Per Patience’ is a series of prints of a hard-ground etching panel. I was inspired by the details of kirigami — Japanese paper cutting — with the interlapping lines and negative space, as well as the ornate and detailed designs. I decided to do a black heron catching a fish because of the “umbrella pose”, which would let me create the beautiful details of the feathers.

Hard-ground etching on paper

‘Precipitation’ is a series of multicoloured lino-prints, of a winged snake hatching out of a fallen raindrop, to fly back up to the skies. It was inspired by a fantastical idea I have, that raindrops are dragon eggs, and when they hit the ground they hatch, fly back to the sky and become clouds, similar to the cycle of precipitation.

Series of multi-coloured lino-prints

‘Bliss’ is a short illustrated story about life, in the form of a Conscierto Book. It follows the brief life of a draconic creature as it wakes to a new world, and closes it’s eyes to it when the time is right. The theme of the story is intended to be interpreted by each individual slightly differently, hence the lack of narration.

Water-Colour Pencil and Markers, and White Acrylic Paint on Paper, and Buckram Covers.