4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour.
4.4 Maintain student safety
Describe strategies that support students’ wellbeing and safety working within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements.
In the course ESI4100 Promoting Inclusive Practices I undertook an assignment that analysed a year 9 classroom and suggested both ways to maintain student safety and manage challenging behaviour through strategies, practices, and legislative responsibilities. To produce this essay I researched ways to approach the challenging behaviour that this class may have and provide ways to improve and manage this behaviour whilst considering students safety and wellbeing and recognising key policies for action as a teacher.
This assignment was to outline inclusive educational practices in the context of a secondary classroom environment with an explicit focus on the implications to teaching and learning. I wrote a 2000-word academic essay looking at a range of strategies and practices for supporting students in a specific year 9 classroom context and considered a range of legislation and state, national and international policies that supported students of diverse ability. The full essay is provided in artefact 5 in Impact for teaching.
When considering how to manage students challenging behaviour, I looked at both a key policy from the Queensland Government and essential strategies that could be used within classrooms. With consideration of both the Inclusive Education policy from the Queensland Government for ways to build inclusive environments and the Queensland Governments student discipline procedure this essay provided key ideas around the kind of legislation and policy that is required for teachers to develop strong classroom management techniques. The student discipline policy provides processes which education staff should take to make decisions and considerations regarding student’s discipline (Queensland Government Department of Education, 2023). Further considerations for teaching implications of the year 9 classroom included strategies to support the safety and wellbeing of students. These strategies included recognising the learning needs of students through theories such the multiple intelligences and the domains of learning, with these being used to consider the teaching and leaning needs of a range of diverse students (Abawi et al, 2019). Further strategies included government suggested strategies that focus on promoting a sense of belonging by ensuring students across the class are valued by the teacher and their peers, creating safe and predictable environments that foster autonomy and competence, and building school-family partnerships (NSW Government, 2021). These strategies for both managing challenging behaviour and ensuring students safety and wellbeing come under many legislative policies including the inclusive Education policy and policies such as the Disability standards for Education (DSE) from the Australian Government department of education, the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration from the Education Council, the Conventions on the rights of person with disabilities from the United Nations.
This assessment allowed me to consider several ways to improve diverse students’ education and apply strategies and policies to a context that could happen at any school. This assessment recognised a range of ways to improve student learning and had me considering how I could enhance my own teaching practice in the future to support students needs.
Abawi, L., Fanshawe, M., Gilbey, K., Andersen, C, & Rogers, C. (2019). Celebrating diversity: Focusing on inclusion. In Carter, S Opening Eyes onto inclusion and diversity. University of Southern Queensland.
NSW Government. (2021). Simple guide to supporting students social and emotional wellbeing. Retrieved 10/12/2023, from https://education.nsw.gov.au/campaigns/inclusive-practice-hub/all-resources/primary-resources/other-pdf-resources/simple-guide-to-supporting-student-social-and-emotional-wellbeing.
Queensland Government department of education. (2015). Student Discipline Procedure. https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/pp/student-discipline-procedure.
Queensland Government department of education. (2021). Inclusive education policy. https://ppr.qed.qld.gov.au/pp/inclusive-education-policy.