Belief Statement
Professional practice is about creating useful and important plans for student learning, creating safe and supportive learning environments, and providing students with feedback and reporting on their learning. It is the role of every teacher to achieve these and through key policies implemented both state and nationally teachers can have effective support networks in their roles for maintaining effective teaching practice. Teachers across year levels and subjects need to provide students with authentic feedback to provide students opportunities to grow and to assist in assessing and reporting on students. Teachers should be following guidelines set by the standard elaborations and achievement standards from the Australian Curriculum to determine students’ achievement (ACARA, 2019). Teachers should also be actively taking part in ways to develop and create safe learning environments for their students. With consideration of many student needs teachers can implement ways to improve students’ wellbeing and health by enacting strategies such as those outlined in the CASEL framework which takes steps to improve social and emotional skills in line with the general capabilities of the Australian Curriculum (Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning, 2023). Teachers should further be supplying their students with well constructed lessons to effectively teacher students. Lessons need to be thorough and take into consideration students needs throughout a subject, teachers should consider what students need or want to know and develop learning around this (Ullman, 2011).
ACARA. (2019). F-10 Curriculum. ACARA.
Collaborative for Academic, Social, Emotional Learning. (2023). What is the CASEL framework. CASEL.
Ullman, E. (2011). How to plan effective lessons. ASCD.