5.2 Provide feedback to students on learning
Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning.
5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements
Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.
During the course EDC2300 Assessment practices for secondary I applied both moderation procedures and appropriate feedback for students learning. This assignment within the course EDC2300 provided me with the opportunity to enhance my assessment marking and feedback ability and gave me with one of my only opportunities at developing moderation with other education students.
While this assignment used a mock student’s assessment for marking it provided myself and other students the opportunity to both provide appropriate feedback for what would be enhancing students learning and the chance to cooperate in moderation. See artefact 4 in Impact for Teaching for the full moderation, feedback, and justification. This assessment allowed me and 3 other students across a range of teaching areas to come together and experience moderation in a formal setting. This assessment had us all do an initial marking as seen on the criteria in red and revised mark in yellow during and after the moderation.
In this assessment we used some initial feedback and solo marking to get an idea for where the student was sitting in their assignment, this feedback can be seen as annotations on artefact 4. This initial feedback was used as groundwork for supplying appropriate and useful feedback for students. The goal for feedback within this assessment was to provide “students” with the opportunity to develop in key areas of learning and overall achieve the goal of the assessment itself. This development and achievement provide the need for feedback within both summative and formative assessments (Black & William, 1998). This feedback considered where this mock student was going with their learning, and where they were at right then. This assessment while it provides appropriate feedback for student learning it could not provide timely feedback as the students were created as a mock example. This assessment provided further improvement in moderation however and was used to practice and solidify the process of moderation in small groups. This form of moderation was used both during and after assessment and provided the student with clear information regarding the level they were at and where their learning should be taking them (State Government of Victoria, 2019).
Moderation in this assessment provided me with the opportunity to further build collaborative skills and collectively discuss results as a team to make consistent and comparable judgments around student results (State Government of Victoria, 2019). This assessment task allowed me to develop clear understanding of the processes of both assessment feedback and moderation. It helped me to develop my skills and apply theorical practices on later professional experiences when marking and moderating both summative and formative assessment types.
Black, P & Wiliam, D/ (1998). ‘Assessment and Classroom Learning’. Assessment in Education, vol. 5(1), pp. 7-74.
State Government of Victoria. (2019). Professional Practice; Assessment Moderation. Department of Education. https://www.education.vic.gov.au/Documents/school/teachers/teachingresources/practice/professionalpracticenote15.pdf.