Professional engagement

The professional engagement domain outlines the ongoing learning and engagement with professional development through a teacher’s career (MCEECDYA, 2018). As a teacher I will ensure to uphold the professional responsibility of expanding my professional knowledge and skill set through reflecting and identifying my own learning needs (Queensland Government, 2021).  Alongside my colleagues I will engage in professional development to ensure my pedagogical approaches and practice are held to current research and to provide the best learning outcomes for students (MCEECDYA, 2018). This skill set will support me in navigating my first years of my teaching career and assist in my own capabilities, confidence, and classroom readiness (Queensland Government, 2023).

It is also my professional responsibility to continue to build my relationships with my colleagues, parents/carers, other stakeholders, and whole school community. When I build my professional knowledge, I have the capacity to interact with all stakeholders effectively, confidentially, and sensitively about children’s learning and outcomes. I will adhere to the department of educations promotion for safe, healthy, and inclusive workplace priority as I actively engage in the whole school community beyond the classroom to enrich schooling experiences and building the links of school, home, and community for students Queensland Government, 2023).