Examples of teaching

APST Standard 1: Know students and how they learn – Artefacts.

Supervising teacher feedback.
Zones of Regulation – Adaptation and original for developmental ages.
Story books that explore and identify emotions and emotional language.
Story books that explore and identify emotions and emotional language.
Building colour recognition skills.
‘How are you feeling today?” children’s painting, through connecting to the Zones of regulation framework by painting with Red, Blue, Green or Yellow.

APST Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it – Artefacts.

Evidence of Inquiry lesson Sequence (Outlines only of lessons provided)
‘How can we save the reef?’.
Evidence of Inquiry ”How can we save the reef?’,
Code block using Scratch Jr.

APST Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning – Artefacts.

Evidence of implemented unit’s alignment to Curriculum into the Classroom (C2C) assessment used within Foundation year context.
Evidence of Links to the National Curriculum within unit plan.
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Evidence of Links to the National Curriculum within unit plan.
Age Appropriate Pedagogies implemented in Unit.
Evidence of Jack and the Beanstalk booklets completed from implementation of unit.
Evidence of Jack and the Beanstalk booklets completed from implementation of unit.
Evidence of Jack and the Beanstalk booklets completed from implementation of unit.
Evidence of positive feedback from mentor teacher.