APST Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning
5.1 Assess student learning
5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements
During my last practicum experience I was required to plan and sequence the learning of an English Unit Plan for Foundation Year. During the implementation of this unit, I was able to moderate with my supervising teacher and her colleagues within the same year level to evaluate some of the students’ writing to assess their current level of writing in relation to the Curriculum to classroom (C2C) assessment guide (LINK). The creating texts (productive mode), explores students’ capabilities from below standard of Becoming Aware and Exploring. To at standard of Working With and above standard of Making Connections and Applying.
The curriculum to classroom creating texts (productive mode), explains that students understand their texts can reflect their own experiences (ACARA, 2023). Students can write familiar words, phrases and images to convey ideas (ACARA, 2023). Their writing shows evidence of letter and sound knowledge, beginning writing behaviour and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. Students are also capable of correctly forming known uppercase and lowercase letters (ACARA, 2023). My supervising teacher, her colleagues and I used this to collaboratively moderate the students’ work of their retell of Goldilocks and the three bears.
The first writing sample is at level Applying (LINK), above standard for foundation year. As aligned to the C2C guide, They use sentences as the key unit for expressing ideas (Applying). They accurately use capital letter and full stops (Applying). Uses letter-sound knowledge to write words and writes some high frequency words and groups words and spaces between words (Making connections). The second writing sample is at level Working with (LINK), at standard for foundation year. As aligned to the C2C guide, their writing shows evidence of their letter and sound knowledge, experimentation with capital letters, full stops (working with). They use letter-sound knowledge to write words and writes some high frequency words (making connections). They use groups of words and spaces between words (making connections). The third writing sample is at level Working with (LINK), at standard for foundation year. As aligned to the C2C guide their writing shows use of familiar words and phrases (working with). Their writing evidence of their letter and sound knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters, full stops (working with), They correctly form known uppercase and lowercase letters (working with). The last writing sample is at Exploring (LINK), below standard for foundation year. As aligned to the C2C guide, their writing uses letters in word like clusters showing some directionality (exploring). They use letters to convey meaning (becoming aware). They write using familiar words to convey ideas (working with).
The result of my participation within this moderation process is I was able to gain experience in working with other teachers to make consistent and comparable judgements. As well as assess students learning in an equable and aligned way while collaborating with others.