The first 3 weeks of Semester 1 of VIS1010 were made up of Foundational Drawing.
Each week was a series of exercises, and a resolved work based on the preceding exercises. The resolved works will be presented in a separate entry, and the exercises for week 2 were as follows;
Week 2
1 Point Perspective

2 Point Perspective

Exercise 3 – Landscapes exercise

Landscape Resolved Work Drafts
I drove around the backstreets of USQ and on the way out to Greenmount as there were some beautiful sloping hills and valleys that captured really interesting landscapes. All the sketches are on A3 rather than A4 like the previous, and are in graphite pencil. Both of these will make transferring the image easier. The intention for the resolved work was either a water colour with ink lines or to take pages from a damaged booked (the works of Bram Stoker) and paste those to cotton rag, then to create the landscape with thick lines and possible colour.
I find landscapes challenging. Whether it is the distorting that occurs when the perspective isn’t correct when sketching buildings, or presenting vegetation in a way that makes it clear that it is, in fact, vegetation.

This is amazing