In my current role as an Industrial-Organisational Psychologist with Energy NSW I have utilised my ability to interpret and communicating findings in oral and written formats allowing me to effectively:
• Analyse data, using statistical methods and applications, in order to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of workplace programs.
• Analyse job requirements and content in order to establish criteria for classification, selection, training, and other related personnel functions.
• Conduct research studies of physical work environments, organizational structures, communication systems, group interactions, morale, and motivation in order to assess organizational functioning.
• Develop and implement employee selection and placement programs.
• Develop interview techniques, rating scales, and psychological tests used to assess skills, abilities, and interests for the purpose of employee selection, placement, and promotion.
• Write reports on research findings and implications in order to contribute to general knowledge and to suggest potential changes in organisational functioning.
Without the acquired skills in oral and written communication techniques acquired during my degree I would not have been able to successfully implement programs to ensure culture shift and efficiencies in the workplace.