Acquired discipline knowledge is integral to all psychologists without having firm foundations a building will fall, as such the foundational knowledge of a psychologist needs to be solid and firm to be able to affectively deliver supports appropriate to their individual clients needs and circumstances. As an engineer and even more so as an organisational psychologist this has definitely been the case for me. My time completing my Bachelor of Science (extended psychology major) – University of southern Queensland, Toowoomba Australia. 2012-2015 was an integral part in forming my knowledge base and understanding of psychological theories and disciplines.
This has provided me with starting blocks in my career as an organisational psychologist and allowed my continued growth in the following areas:
• Experience of 3 years in assisting in research design, assessment exercises, interviews, and survey work for Energy NSW. My role there is to analyse workplace culture and environment, improving selection tools, testing programs, policies, and other human-resources issues.
• Skilled in counselling management, as well as activities such as focus groups, presentations, survey administration, and interpreting research results; regularly communicating with both high- and low-level employees; experience in statistics, research methods, and literature selection.
• Substantial experience in providing organizational psychological services; profound knowledge of personnel selection practices; knowledge of training assessment activities; ability to prepare behavioural science research reports; ability to resolve operational problems.
• Administration of psychological testing instruments in the industrial environment; sound interpretation of results and recommendations for improvement; measurable results in increased performance and resultant workplace positivity; extensive knowledge of personnel selection research and methodology.