Max Million
Email: Phone: +61 0409 909 909
About Me:
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
- Experience of 3 years in assisting in research design, assessment exercises, interviews, and survey work for Energy NSW . My role there is to analyse workplace culture and environment; improving selection tools, testing programs, policies, and other human-resources issues
- Skilled in counselling management, as well as activities such as focus groups, presentations, survey administration, and interpreting research results; regularly communicating with both high- and low-level employees; experience in statistics, research methods, and literature selection
- Substantial experience in providing organizational psychological services; profound knowledge of personnel selection practices; knowledge of training assessment activities; ability to prepare behavioral science research reports; ability to resolve operational problem
- Administration of psychological testing instruments in the industrial environment ; sound interpretation of results and recommendations for improvement; measurable results in increased performance and resultant workplace positivity; extensive knowledge of personnel selection research and methodology
Highschool Diploma -Sydney Highschool for exceptionally intelligent individuals. 1991-1998
Bachelor of Engineering (electrical) – University of NSW. 1998-2001
Bachelor of Science (extended psychology major) – University of southern Queensland, Toowoomba Australia. 2012-2015
Master of Organisational Psychology – University of southern Queensland, Toowoomba Australia. 2016-2017
Work Experience:
April 2020 – Current
Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
Energy NSW
Sydney, Australia
Key Result Areas:
- Analyze data, using statistical methods and applications, in order to evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of workplace programs
- Analyze job requirements and content in order to establish criteria for classification, selection, training, and other related personnel functions
- Conduct research studies of physical work environments, organizational structures, communication systems, group interactions, morale, and motivation in order to assess organizational functioning
- Develop and implement employee selection and placement programs
- Develop interview techniques, rating scales, and psychological tests used to assess skills, abilities, and interests for the purpose of employee selection, placement, and promotion
- Facilitate organizational development and change; identify training and development needs
- Formulate and implement training programs, applying principles of learning and individual differences
- Observe and interview workers in order to obtain information about the physical, mental, and educational requirements of jobs as well as information about aspects such as job satisfaction.
- Study organizational effectiveness, productivity, and efficiency, including the nature of workplace supervision and leadership; participate in mediation and dispute resolution
- Advise management concerning personnel, managerial, and marketing policies and practices and their potential effects on organizational effectiveness and efficiency
- Assess employee performance; counsel workers about job and career-related issues
- Study consumers’ reactions to new products and package designs, and to advertising efforts, using surveys and tests.
- Write reports on research findings and implications in order to contribute to general knowledge and to suggest potential changes in organizational functioning
Key Highlights:
- Lead the organisational change project in the business merger between Sydney Power and Southern Energies to form the existing business structure.
November 2017 – April 2020
Provisionary Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
United Solar Projects
Sydney, Australia.
Key Result Areas:
- Conducted psychological tests for training candidates
- Analyzed medical, psychological and training outcome data of candidates
- Selected suitable airmen for special operations based on collected data
- Prepared reports of training results; worked with management to develop annual selection strategies
- Worked with management to develop candidate recruiting methodologies
- Conducted oral and written examinations; scored and recorded psychological tests
- Recommended improvements to current recruitment strategies
- Maintained job analysis and evaluation tools; developed promotional processes for all job positions
- Presented briefings and seminars to staffs; communicated with all employee levels effectively
March 2002 – November 2017
Electrical Engineer
United Solar Projects
Sydney, Australia.
Key Result Areas:
- Project management and development of solar farms across rural Australia
- Load demand balance of Australian cities, determining energy requirements and potential for solar investment
- Working with industry and Government bodies to facilitate program of works in line with nation renewable energy policies
- Prepared reports of solar cell technologies results; worked with management to develop annual selection strategies
- Worked with management to develop contractor selection methodologies
- Recommended improvements to current technologies and explored opportunities to upgrade existing locations or develop new locations with a economical benefit.
- Maintained job analysis and evaluation tools; developed promotional processes for all job positions
- Presented briefings and seminars to staffs; communicated with all employee levels effectively
Key Highlights:
- Identified, investigated and oversaw the development of Australia’s largest off shore solar farm.
- Won NSW state government grant for 1.6 million to develop offshore solar.
- Inducted to the Solar specialist hall of fame for champions in renewable energy.
November 1999 – April 2002
Owner and lead stylist
Maxy Max’s animal grooming and style
Sydney, Australia.
Key Result Areas:
- Performing high quality cut and style on a various range of animals
- Ensuring the highest levels of hygiene.
- Calming clients and their owners to ensure a healthy and happy experience for all.
- Designing exciting new hair styles for Dogs, Cats, Rabbits and mice.
- Worked to develop a extensive database of clients throughout the greater Sydney region
Key Highlights:
- First person in Australia to give a pedicure to “Yu Ni Cawn” the only baby Rhino to be born into captivity at Sydney Zoo.
- Was awarded mouse stylist of the year in the 2001 awards by mini and mickey vouge.
- English
- Español
- Français