Professional Practice Beliefs

It is important to challenge students so they stay engaged but there needs to be realistic goals, changing them up to suit all levels and abilities of the students in my class will allow for better success. Making sure I know what content I need to teach and when will benefit from backward mapping of the unit based on standards of achievement from the Australian Curriculum. This way I can cover everything that needs to be covered in a manageable timeframe. There are many ways to make the work engaging by changing things up by using technology or hands on work such as experiments and cooking  and games. I believe education should be fun and learning should be something that sparks interest and curiosity. Ensuring the classroom feels safe and welcoming is a key way to ensure that learning will occur Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has to be met before Bloom’s Taxonomy can be reached. Having a safe space with pillows and blankets for students to escape to when they feel overwhelmed or just need a short break to regulate themselves.