The Professional Engagement domain involves professional learning and engaging with colleagues’ parents and the community. These elements will be critical in my development as a graduate teacher. As a graduate teacher I am responsible for my growth and development and developing a plan to improve my practice (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], 2017). I will refer to the High-Quality Professional Learning Cycle to Identify professional learning needs, select and engage in learning, reflect on the impact then apply and refine learning (AITSL, 2020). Experience with mentor teachers during my many practicums taught me the value of colleague experience and knowledge, I witnessed occasion the benefits of a colleague confidant providing support professionally and as a support for management of Mental Health and Wellbeing. To support and maintain my mental health and general wellbeing I will commit to a regular fitness regime which will benefit my performance as a Teaching professional. I believe open and confidential communication with parents is important to the learning and development of students, I will seek ways to develop teacher parent relationships and ensure the best interests of the child is upheld. I understand my duty of care for student is to take reasonable steps to reduce risk with suitable and a safe environment sufficient supervision and strategies to prevent harassment and bullying, recognising my voice maybe the one that makes a difference to a child’s life (Victorian Department of Education, 2023).