4.1 Support student participation
4.4 Maintain student safety. –
To demonstrate my understanding of Standard 4 – Creating and maintaining a supportive and safe learning environment, the Artifacts chosen to demonstrate my understanding is warmup introduction from a lesson plan created for a Health and Physical Education course with a focus on understanding Indigenous traditional games and connecting to the curriculum content (AC9HP2M03). This section aligned with ASPTS 4.1. The lesson plan was designed for a year 2 class, one of the lesson goals involved students demonstrating turn-taking and sharing equipment. in an affluent primary school located within a 45 min drive from Brisbane. During my GTPA practicum in an affluent primary school located within a 45 min drive from Brisbane I had the opportunity to assist in a year 2 Health and Physical Education class where the 24 students participated in a selection of outdoor activities. My engagement involved leading the up, I utilised strategies from my lesson plan. Organisation of the warm up began with all students forming a semi-circle, with my guidance 6 student were selected to demonstrate the warm-up, the chosen student formed a circle at arm’s length from the next student ,1 student moved to the centre of the circle, assuming the lead role to select a movement e.g. jumping, twisting or stretching, the remaining students in the circle required to mimic the lead child for the duration of music being played (60 seconds) each student had the opportunity for the lead. After the demonstration I divided the rest of the class into small groups and the warmup began. Students were excited to take turns in leading the group and it became evident there was competition with creating different exercises. It was encouraging to witness the timid students display enthusiasm and engagement. The pedagogical practices aligning with this lesson warm up include the command and practice approaches (Miller et al., 2018).

The Artifacts presnented above Starting with image 1 aligning with 4.1 Support student participation – Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities Is a snippet of a lesson plan Design for a Health and Physical Education classroom requiring the planning of Indigenous traditional games for implementation in a year 2 class the plan outlines understanding and organisation of activities to maximise engagement for all students in the class. Image 2 aligns with 4.4 Maintain student safety. – Describe strategies that support students’ wellbeing and safety working within school and/ or system and legislative requirements within the image is a descriptive Risk Assessment to ensure the health and safety of students in the lesson.