5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning.
5.5 Report on student achievement
The focus Astps for Standard 5 : include astps 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning and astps 5.5 Report on student achievement. The setting for this learning example was a Community Kindergarten with strong links and values to the Australian Indigenous Community and affiliated with C&K association located in Ipswich. The class of 22 students represented numerous cultures, economic and educational backgrounds. The students engaged in a strong play-based program and have access to a large playground and nature area.
The learning occurred during the outdoor play, Lewis (alias) was digging in the dirt and discovered a seedpod in the playground, taking a moment as he investigated the pod and revealed his imaginings, sharing the similarity of the pod to the body of a bird , this led to another search for leaves to represent wings. Lewis was excited to share his findings and knowledge about birds and flying. This conversation soon became a spontaneous teaching opportunity as I asked open ended questions about the features of birds and other flying animals, soon other children joined the learning, Lewis was excited to share his findings (Australian Government Department of Education and Training, 2018).
Providing feedback and acknowledging Lewis’s learning, I suggested we search for more seedpods to create birds with the other children in the class during craft time. Lewis responded with an excited yes aligning with aspts 5.2 (AITSL, 2020) Figure 3 Artifact is a report / story documenting the Lewis Seedpod adventure, it was displayed with the seedpod birds figure 2 in the nature corner, this display is space to share new learnings designed to share with other students and parents when visiting the kindergarten a copy of the report / story was also added to Lewis personal learning and development portfolio. At pick up time Lewis was excited to share his learning with his mother, who informed me Lewis had a fascination with Birds and flying. This story demonstrates development of Lewis Communication Skills along with engaging in literacy to become an effective communicator as he verbally expressed his ideas, understanding and feelings about discovering the seedpod. Lewis also displayed elements of Active learning involving curiosity , problem solving and creative thinking when making real world connection with the seedpods and birds. Active learning promotes a confidence and a positive outlook to learning. Aligning with Learning and Development Area of the QCAA (QCAA Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority , 2020). The decision to create seedpod birds in craft time was an opportunity to share Lewis’ learning with the rest of the class and assist with their learning and development .