Standard 7: Engage Professionally with Colleagues, Parents/Carers and the Community

Integrity in Practice

Mandatory reporting:
Mandatory reporting is the responsibility for all teachers if a situation presents of non.
alignment with the code of conduct, standards of practice and addition legislation or
policies. Failure to report on knowledge of breach of unprofessional conduct can result.
into serious repercussions (Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022)

Code of Conduct and Standard of Practice:

            The code of conduct consisting of four principles from the Public Sector Ethics Act,1994. guiding  and protecting teachers and how the perform their work along with the conducting of professional relationships. The code is applicable  at all times of the day including before and after school. The code works in synchrony with the standards of practice an important framework that provides additional guidance and support to apply codes , principles and values to daily practice  (Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022).

Professional Boundaries,

            Professional boundaries can be careless or purposeful where actions in the school and with students  extend outside the parameters of the teacher’s professional conduct for example friending students and or families on social media. It is important to remember you are the teacher not a friend. It is important to remain in a neutral zone where interactions are of an educational nature, where the boundaries are clear. Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022).

Appropriate communications (social media/electronic communication),

            Communication via social media can lead to damaging permanent consequences. As a Teaching professional it is prohibited to friend or communicate with students via personal devices or social media platforms. As a protective measure, applying privacy settings to separate professional life from private life. Be aware  content posted on social media potentional may be perceived as representative of the education department or associated departments (Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022).

Conflict of Interest

            A conflict of interest occurs when the roles of the duty as a professional teacher is compromised by the personal interests of teacher. It is important that interests of the teacher a transparent and be publicly justifiable. Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022).

Information management and security,

           Teachers have a responsibility to ensure they conduct appropriate information management practices to protect confidential information of students colleagues and educational matters , Applied actions for responsible management include , locking the computer , wait for items to be printed, check the intended recipient of emails, Do not repeat overheard information and dispose of documents appropriately Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022)

Gifts and benefits,

            Gifts or benefits may potentially be perceived as an act of impartiality given to receive academic benefit for a student or other student favours or exemption. In relation to Christmas gifts, it is acceptable to receive them provided they are declared to the school principal or placed on a school register. Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022).

Ethical decision making,

            When making an ethical decision as a teacher it is important to reflect and identify the issues involved, consider the possible consequences of the decision, consult with relevant colleagues. It is important identify if I have authority to make the decision and are their procedures to support the decision making . Will my actions result in an ethical result (Lavelle, C. (Host). (2022).


The Benefits of using OneSchool

One school a Queensland government system utilised in the state school sector. An assortment of student information  collected and stored on this site, including enrolment,  academic, medical ,attendance, behavioural, sensitive case records, and developmental maps. The information collected can is compiled and used to assess whole school , class and individual performances.

The Oneschool site enables the collaboration of data to record, report and analyse  performance of students within a whole class or small group scenarios, information is helpful in  pedagogical planning. Aligning with the School improvement model, data can be used to identify where students are in their learning journey, how they learn and analysing the impact their teaching has on student learning with the standards of evidence. This data can influence the path of future learning to improve student learning outcomes and would be beneficial in the initial stages of a teaching career.  

Oneschool includes a student management tool, providing a complete profile that can be added to at any time, collaborating information as mentioned earlier. It is important to be mindful when adding data about a student that it is of a positive and professional nature. Student profiles can be analysed to identify protentional causes for behavioural, academic issues. This information can provide Insite and allow for informative decisions to be made to assist students to navigate their learning and development journey.  (Fitzsimons, D, n.d.)

Professional Engagement Cath Ed Careers Queensland

The Queensland Catholic Education system contains schools across the vast expanse of the state. Each school embracing the core values of the Catholic religion and embracing a holistic approach to learning connecting with wellbeing and health , alternatively  known as the Head, hearts and hands learning. Many of the Catholic Dioceses (districts) offer supportive Career Pathways  including Professional Development , mentor and coaching programs , Leadership programs along with scholarships to assist with travel and accommodation costs for remote locations. The Catholic education system utilise the Religious Education Curriculum containing four strands of teaching the beliefs of Christian life (Brisbane Catholic Education, 2020).Other support incentives within the Catholic education system includes  Early Teacher Support with a  2-year Early Childhood Teaching Program providing support for the transition from Graduate to Proficient stages of the teaching career, including orientation and induction to support the start of the teaching career, involving networking conferences and workshops. Also offered are professional development and practices opportunities providing day to day support, additional preparation time and classroom management techniques. Along with Professional identity development and wellbeing support offering the following resources in the form of an Employees Assistance Program with free face to face or online support with financial planning , Dieticians and wellbeing coaches, Psychologists and Qualified lawyers.

Career Readiness – Queensland College of Teachers

The QCT Queensland College of Teachers  a governing body to ensure approved teachers are qualified and suitable to teach students. This body ensures the best interests of the public and profession a being met. There are many functions of the QTC including 3 key areas ; starting with Teacher Registration, ensuring candidates satisfy the initial and ongoing requirements to teach, and monitoring the compliance of approved teachers ensuring the standards of the teaching profession is upheld. Secondly, Professional Standards for teachers for entry and the continuation of membership teachers must develop and apply the three domains of the professional standards within their daily practice. Finaly; Professional Conduct including the arranging criminal history checks of applicants, conducting  investigations as required about the professional conduct  and or competencies of approved teachers or former approved teachers, along with developing and applying codes of professional conduct or practice of approved teachers (Queensland College of Teachers , n.d.). As a beginning teacher is it imperative as a professional to know and understand all the requirements that are required when applying for registraton to avoid missing key elements, along with understanding and aligning my practice with the three domains of the Professional Standards to meet the standards of a high quality teacher and finally know and understand all legislative policies and requirements aligning with Professional Conduct to protect myself and students (Queensland College of Teachers , n.d.).