Information for Instructors
ALL Nursing portfolios are added to one of the 11 MyClass hubs listed here according to first name:
- Portfolios Group 1 – names that start with A-B
- Portfolios Group 2 – names start with C-E
- Portfolios Group 3 – names start with F-G
- Portfolios Group 4 – names start with H-I
- Portfolios Group 5 – names start with J-L
- Portfolios Group 6 – names start with M-N
- Portfolios Group 7 – names start with O-Q
- Portfolios Group 8 – names start with R
- Portfolios Group 9 – names start with S
- Portfolios Group 10 – names start with T
- Portfolios Group 11 – names start with U-Z
Managing Student Portfolios using MyClass
CampusPress provides a facility for the management of student portfolios called MyClass. This brings together your cohort of portfolios into a single portal and allows for cohort-wide privacy settings to be controlled. It is an option, not a mandatory tool.
The options you select in My Class controls what a student can do on their student blog and these are managed using the student user role. You can adjust these settings anytime after setting up My Class by going to My Class > Settings, apply the changes and then click Save. The image below shows the key adjustable settings. In addition multiple teachers can be added to the MyClass hub and student portfolios are easily found.

Additional resources
These additional resources will extend your understanding of MyClass and student blog/portfolio management.
Teacher Guide
Read more about the WordPress Student Portfolio process via the Teacher Guide on our Create@UniSQ site