2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.2 Content selection and organisation
On preservice teaching placement in a co-educational state high school I had the opportunity to teach the beginning of the year 10 visual art unit: Human Environment, built and natural structures.
Prior to planning my lessons, I reviewed the assessment task sheet to gain a better understanding of the content that I was required to know (2.1) (AITSL, 2011). This involved identifying specific content areas and taking the opportunity to fill in any gaps in my understanding as well as develop some teaching strategies that would aid in the delivery of this content. This approach ensured that my knowledge was both relevant and current, allowing me to deliver accurate content and provide effective support within the classroom (Ball et al., 2008).
Additionally, the review of the task sheet showed that the unit would primarily use an inquiry-based approach, as students were required to pick their own artist and collect their own information as part of the assessment (LEQ, 2023). This informed my lesson planning and structure of the content. Using the backwards mapping technique (Artefact b) I was able to develop my lesson plans and best structure the content into an effective learning and teaching sequence (2.2).
Through the development of a four-step research template, I was better able to outline key terms and concepts that student would be required to know to be successful within the research task. As the students were required to complete one step of the template per lesson, I ensure that I outlined the essential knowledge and skills required for students to feel confident in their research abilities (Artefact c).
As a result, I felt as though the student had better clarity on the task and that they were not only more confident in their abilities, but less overwhelmed.
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL). (2011). Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. Queensland College of Teachers. https://cdn.qct.edu.au/pdf/QCT_AustProfStandards.pdf.
Ball, D., Thames, M., & Phelps, G. (2008). Content Knowledge for Teaching What Makes It Special? Journal of Teacher Education 59(5). 10.1177/0022487108324554.
Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ). (2023). Approaches to learning: Inquiry based learning. The Australian Curriculum. https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/media/1360/lutheran-education-queensland-inquiry-based-learning.pdf