Flamingos Très, 2024 | Spray-paint on cardboard
I am extremely satisfied with the resolved piece, as the colours contrast each other to highlight shape, and the
composition/ placement that creates a focal point towards the middle of the piece and the subjects, that being the flamingos,
before viewers are able to assess smaller details like rips in the paper (initially a mistake but then purposefully
exaggerated to portray a graffiti-like art-style), and the border.
By utilising a colour palette of one, pink, and using a darker tone, resulted in a harmonious piece that is still lively
and encourages feelings of joy.

I Prefer Dark Chocolate, 2024 | Spray-paint on cardboard
This was my first time using spray painting as a printmaking process. It was very messy but a lot of fun. I was so happy with the
outcome, it was almost my resolved piece, however I endeavoured to develop my skills, and that meant challenging my process.
This was done through integrating more colours, as seen in Flamingos Très.