Data Reports and Dashboards

UniSQ’s Evaluation System is designed to mirror the components that make up our university’s curriculum offerings. Just as individual courses are nested within programs, which collectively form our entire curriculum, our Evaluation System operates at both the program and course levels. It streamlines the complex process of accreditation and re-accreditation, drawing attention to potential quality issues throughout the five-to-seven-year cycle. Our system offers an extensive suite of reports for ongoing monitoring, available on demand to all staff within the university.

Data dashboards

Real-time reporting for survey, course, program, university and national data with sentinel indicator triggers.

Student feedback reports and dashboards

Current and historical summary scores and confidential qualitative comments overall and by cohort.


Course reports and dashboards

Course enrolment and outcome trends overall and by student cohort for a six-year period.

Program and program major quality reports and dashboards

Support accreditation and review. Enrolment and outcome trends overall and by primary courses.

University reports and dashboards

Enrolment and outcome by university and overall cohorts.

Cohort and partner monitoring for at risk students

National data reports and dashboards

National survey data for cohort and program integrated into program review reports and interactive online dashboards.