Environmental Scanning

The Evaluation System at UniSQ recognizes the importance of considering contextual data and providing a comprehensive understanding of the program’s unique circumstances and operating context. However, it was identified through program conversations and load planning meetings that a shared understanding of discipline program offerings for benchmarking purposes was lacking at a national level. To address this, UniSQ introduced Environmental Analytic Scans, an innovative tool that provides external reference points and benchmarking data to support curriculum design, accreditation, and re-accreditation processes.

Environmental Analytic Scans incorporate benchmarking, market analysis, and environmental scanning to gather valuable insights into the broader environment in which disciplines and programs operate. These scans follow Rog’s (2012) model, which brings context-sensitive background information to the foreground in evaluation. The reports maintain an inductive and objective approach, recognizing that each discipline has its unique context. To ensure objectivity, non-discipline experts author the reports, and discipline experts have the opportunity to review and contribute their insights before publication.

These Environmental Analytic Reports serve as a crucial addition to the evaluation ecosystem at UniSQ. Initially designed to provide executive staff with broader environmental context for strategic decision-making, the reports quickly gained traction within the university community. There was an increasing demand for qualitative data that could identify potential opportunities for growth and innovation. As a result, over 70 reports have been delivered to the Academic Division, fostering a culture of continuous learning and capacity building within UniSQ.

The success and demand for the Environmental Analytic Reports led to the introduction of the Graduate Employment Program into UniSQ’s evaluation ecosystem. This expansion further emphasizes the university’s commitment to evidence-informed decision-making and provides a platform for identifying and leveraging opportunities to enhance graduate employability and career outcomes. The inclusion of qualitative data through environmental scanning contributes to a more holistic understanding of the current and future viability of academic disciplines in the higher education landscape. It enables UniSQ to make informed decisions regarding discipline and program discontinuation, moving away from emotionally driven responses and towards data-driven approaches in line with best practices in Australian higher education institutions.