
Course and Program Conversations at UniSQ

At UniSQ, course and program conversations play a vital role in the Evaluation System, fostering collaboration, data-informed decision-making, and continuous improvement. These conversations provide a platform for meaningful dialogue among stakeholders, including academic staff, program coordinators, course coordinators, and the Evaluation Methodologies team.

Course Enhancement Conversations

Course Enhancement Conversations are held to address any potential quality issues identified through the Evaluation System, particularly through sentinel indicators and student feedback data. These conversations are designed to support course coordinators in improving the learning experience mid-delivery and for future iterations of the course.

During the Course Enhancement Conversations, the Associate Head (Learning, Teaching, and Student Success) serves as the chair, facilitating discussions that focus on enhancing the student experience. Course coordinators have the opportunity to provide context-specific insights into the parameters of course delivery, enabling a nuanced understanding of challenges and opportunities. Additionally, the Evaluation Methodologies team introduces course reports, presenting over 450 lines of data to inform evidence-based decision-making.

The outcomes of Course Enhancement Conversations are documented in an Action Plan, which outlines strategies and actions to address identified areas for improvement. This collaborative approach ensures that course coordinators receive support and guidance, fostering continuous learning and development within the university.

Program Review Conversations

Program Review Conversations are triggered by sentinel indicators related to program quality, such as student load, attrition rates, progression rates, completions, and other performance benchmarks. Programs that meet any of these indicators are required to report to the Education Committee and Academic Board, initiating a comprehensive review process with the Evaluation Methodologies team.

During the Program Review Conversations, a thorough examination of the program’s strengths, challenges, and potential areas for enhancement takes place. The Evaluation Methodologies team engages with program coordinators and other stakeholders to gather insights, analyze data, and identify improvement opportunities. These conversations provide a platform for collaborative decision-making, drawing on multiple perspectives to inform program development and enhancement strategies.

The outcomes of Program Review Conversations contribute to evidence-informed decision-making, enabling the university to make strategic, tactical, and operational adjustments to ensure program quality and student success. Through these conversations, UniSQ demonstrates its commitment to continuous improvement and maintaining a high standard of academic excellence.

The Value of Course and Program Conversations

Course and program conversations at UniSQ embody a collaborative and inclusive approach to evaluation and quality assurance. By engaging stakeholders and fostering open dialogue, these conversations enable the university to identify and address issues, share best practices, and leverage insights for continuous improvement.

The rich exchange of ideas, perspectives, and data during these conversations promotes a culture of evaluation and evidence-based decision-making. It empowers academic staff, program coordinators, and course coordinators to actively contribute to the enhancement of teaching and learning experiences, program design, and overall program quality.

UniSQ recognizes the importance of these conversations in shaping the future of its courses and programs. By embracing transparency, collaboration, and continuous learning, the university ensures that its educational offerings remain relevant, impactful, and responsive to the evolving needs of students and the higher education landscape.