Participate in Research – Recruiting now

Currently we are recruiting participants in a research project. The current project where participants are being recruited, explores: Is there a relationship between coaching and the subjective wellbeing of educators?

Recent research captures a concerning picture of the wellbeing of educators (school leaders and teachers) within Australia and worldwide.  Educators now report high-stress levels, negative impacts on their wellbeing, and increased mental health issues resulting from the sheer quantity of work, lack of time to focus on teaching and learning, and increased role complexities. This paints a troubling picture of educator wellbeing.

Coaching is a process that can help educators to develop professional skills and abilities. However, more is needed to know whether coaching can assist in promoting educators’ professional wellbeing. This research looks at the relationship between coaching and the subjective wellbeing of educators in the workplace. Within the context of this study, subjective wellbeing is defined as a subjective cognitive appraisal of overall life satisfaction, positive affect, low-level negative affect or low-level unpleasant affect. Coaching is defined as a conversational process that supports the achievement of goals and the continual development of personal, professional practice.

I would like to know more about the relationship between coaching and the subjective wellbeing of educators in educational workplaces.

If you are an educator (a teacher, school leader – e.g., Head of Curriculum, Head of School, Deputy Principal, Head of Junior school, Head of Special Education etc.) in an  Australian or international educational context (in state-sponsored, private, special education, early childhood, an independent or religiously affiliated educational context) or in an Australian International educational context I would like to hear from you.

I invite you to complete an anonymous 15-20 minute survey. Join Survey

I also invite you to participate in a confidential and relaxed Zoom interview at a time that best suits you. The interview would explore the relationship between coaching and educator subjective wellbeing in a little more depth. An interview would take approximately 30 minutes. If you would like to share your experiences with our friendly interviewer, please click on the link below to indicate your interest in participating in an interview. Your participation would be greatly appreciated, and you can help make a difference to what occurs in the field.

I also invite you to share any deidentified artefacts (such as policies, programs, and frameworks) that may relate to how coaching relates to the subjective wellbeing of educators.

Expected benefits

This unique research is part of a Doctor of Education degree program approved by the ethics committee (number) and supervised by academic staff at the University of Southern Queensland.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with

I look forward to learning from you and your experiences about coaching and your wellbeing.

 Thank you for your input. 😊 Cecily.

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