Welcome to the AgTech Student Portfolio Hub!
This website provides information for students in Agricultural Technology and Management courses at the University of Southern Queensland to support the development of a professional portfolio as part of the Create@UniSQ project.
The portfolio is where students will collect and select digital artefacts and reflect on learning experiences to showcase showcase academic development.
Are you ready to get started?
Explore the following resources to start working on your Portfolio:
1. Read Important UniSQ Policies
Make sure you understand and observe the following policies at UniSQ:
- Student code of conduct
- Student academic integrity
- Student expectations and responsibilities
- Acceptable use of ICT resources
- Copyright for Students
2. Why Portfolios?
Find out more about the value of using a Portfolio as part of your learning journey:
3. Learning to use your Portfolio
Check out the following resources to learn how to setup and edit your Portfolio:
- Getting Started
- Dashboard Overview
- Changing Your Site Name
- Creating Content for Your Portfolio
- Customizing Your Site
- Adding Links in Posts or Pages
Get Support
Need help? Support for portfolios is through the host CampusPress – see details on the Create@UniSQ Homepage.