Welcome to your new Portfolio. Use these tools to create your Employability Portfolio.
A number of prompts and resources have been included to help you complete this process. Click on the links below for more info.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pellentesque sed urna vitae condimentum. Aliquam tincidunt ante sit amet leo sollicitudin, sed porttitor ipsum mattis. Maecenas eget laoreet erat. Vestibulum massa elit, luctus ac lacus sed, finibus consequat dui. Maecenas vel placerat dolor. Proin aliquet ipsum justo, quis scelerisque lacus luctus tristique. Vestibulum mattis pretium nulla, at gravida elit fermentum quis.

When you are ready, delete the content on this page and replace it with your own content.
You could include a brief introduction and a sentence or two about your goals during your studies or your aims for this portfolio.
You should also the image with your own profile picture or illustration.
Visit the BITC Hub site to access support resources.
You can also find useful resources on the Create@UniSQ Support pages.